Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Is Finally Here!

The 2008 Presidential Candidates - John McCain and Barack ObamaThe 2008 United States of America Presidential Election is finally coming to a conclusion and The Blot couldn’t be happier. This Presidential election season might have been the longest one in history, or at least it feels like it was. Considering the state of the world economy, I’m a bit saddened at the numbers being reported for campaign spending. There has to be a better way to use these millions and millions of advertising dollars, right? Regardless, if you’re a registered voter in the United States you owe it to yourself, your friends and your family to take advantage of your right to vote and head down to your local polling station today.

Tristan Eaton - I Work For Gas Poster for Barack Obama's VoteForChange.com
The Blot voted two weeks ago, so depending on how you look at it I am either lucky to avoid the hysterics or missing out on the excitement at the polls today, November 4th. Today is shaping up to be a historic day on a number of accounts; we could either be electing our first African-American President (Barack Obama) or electing the oldest President elected to a first term in office (John McCain) and the first woman elected Vice-President (Sarah Palin). Everyone is expecting record turnouts today, so make sure to go out early and vote no matter who you support!

If you’re interested in ordering the very cool Barack Obama VoteForChange.com - Working For Gas poster above by Tristan Eaton (they are $40 each and it’s an open edition) click here.