Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lost - LaFleur

While last week’s episode of Lost, “LaFleur,” wasn’t the most exciting or informative episode ever, it definitely started to connect some very distant dots for us. Even though it didn’t give us any straight answers, we finally got to see what life was like on the island before the destruction of the Dharma Initiative. While The Blot initially thought Sawyer and Co. were stuck in the 70’s, it’s looking more and more like maybe the early 80’s.

Lost Season 4 Cast Photo
I was pretty shocked at how easy it was for the time lost Losties to assimilate into the Dharma Initiative, and I definitely never imagined the island bound Losties would be living amongst them for three whole years. For some reason I just assumed the Oceanic Six would return to the island shortly after they left. So this begs the question, where have Rose and Bernard been all this time!?! Are they in the 80’s or is it possible they are on the island in the present time.

Lost - LaFleur - The Time Lost Losties (Ken Leung as Miles Straume, Josh Holloway as James Sawyer Ford & Daniel Dae Kim as Jin Kwon)
Sawyer without a doubt has grown the most of any character on Lost and this episode is a perfect example of that. He’s even using his conman skills for good! Did anyone else love the scene between Sawyer and Richard Alpert as much as I did? The dialogue was perfect for both characters and I really liked the fact that it showed two characters finally talking to one another without just reacting. I wonder if what Sawyer said helped cement Locke’s legacy as the future leader of the Others (or should they be referred to as the Natives from here on out?). And I have to say, I find myself really liking the pairing of Sawyer and Juliet. They make a really great conniving power couple.

Lost - LaFleur - Elizabeth Mitchell's Juliet Burke and Josh Holloway's James Sawyer Ford Finally Find True Love
Now that we have a better idea of when the time lost Losties are it’s time to start asking some important questions, like “at this point has a young Benjamin Linus already come to the island” and “will the time lost Losties escape the island in time to avoid the Others’ purge?” I also wonder if the reason why it was so important to the Others to bring Juliet to the island is because they already knew she had successfully delivered a baby on the island (as seen in last week’s episode).

Lost - LaFleur - Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet Burke Getting Set To Deliver Amy's (Reiko Aylesworth) Baby
The next obvious question of course is who does that baby grow up to be! Also, is the reason Ben has always referred to Sawyer as James because he previously knew him as James LaFleur? These are all interesting questions that I know will be answered eventually…if only I was that patient!

The Mysterious Four Toed StatueAnd lastly, I know of at least one The Blot Says… reader who was extremely excited by the all but too brief glimpse of what we can only assume was the back of the four toed statue. I love how these little details keep popping back up in the mythology of Lost. The four toed statue seems to be the remnants of a statute of Anubis, an Egyptian god of the Dead whose job it was to protect the recently deceased and bring them to the afterlife. We also saw an Ankh pop up several times during last week’s episode.

The Ankh, which means eternal life, is historically seen in conjunction with gods of the afterlife. Considering how many characters have returned from the dead once they are brought to the island, I am certain that the symbolism of Anubis and the Ankh will play a significant role in explaining the island’s mysticism and rich history. Maybe, just maybe, everything will actually get tied up by the end of next season.