Friday, September 23, 2011

The Big Bang Theory Bobble Heads - Sheldon & Howard

The Big Bang Theory Bobble Heads by Funko - Flash T-Shirt Edition Sheldon Cooper

The Blot’s not usually into bobble heads, but every once in a while a set will be released I really like.  And more often than not they’re based on one of my favorite television shows, like these awesome new The Big Bang Theory bobble heads from Funko! Two Big Bang figures were created, a Sheldon Cooper bobble head wearing an awesome Flash t-shirt and a Howard Wolowitz bobble head in a pimp all purple outfit.  I love that BBT is a Warner Bros show because how else could you get an official bobble head wearing official DC Comics t-shirts!  It's little touches like that, which really make these bobble heads great.

The Big Bang Theory Bobble Heads by Funko - Howard Wolowitz

Each The Big Bang Theory Bobble Head stands 6” tall and comes standing atop a name display base. These two Wacky Wobbler Bobble Heads will not hit store shelves until December 10, 2011, but you can pre-order them here through for $12.99 each. Bazinga!!!