Thursday, September 1, 2011

Red Plasma Big Sal & Clear Red Foster Vinyl Figures by Super7

Red Plasma Big Sal Vinyl Figure by Brandt Peters and Kathie Olivas & Clear Red Foster Vinyl Figure by Super7

With summer basically over, Super7 decided to kick off the fall season a little early with a couple of clearly radical and redical new figures! First up is the devilish Big Sal by Brandt Peters and Kathie Olivas. The Red Plasma Big Sal was last seen in the vicinity of Dragon*Con, wearing a translucent dark red straight jacket with black, pink and yellow accents. Big Sal is considered dangerous and insane, approach with caution! Joining Big Sal is Foster, the ice cream sandwich that just can't keep his hand to or off himself. Each delicious bite brings him closer to his own demise. Foster is cast in translucent red vinyl with light blue spray.

Clear Red Foster will be released Friday, September 2nd, at 12 o’clock noon PDT at the Super7 online store, while Red Plasma Big Sal will be released the following Saturday (September 3rd) at 12 o’clock noon PDT. For those of you lucky enough to attending Dragon*Con this weekend, you pick up the Red Plasma Big Sal a little early direct from Brandt Peters and Kathie Olivas!