Thursday, September 29, 2011

Super7 Skulletor Milton & Charcoal Flame Honoo by Leecifer

Charcoal Flame Honoo by Leecifer & Super7 Skulletor Milton

Summer BBQs may be over but Honoo is still burning hot! This charcoal grey flame is ready to keep you warm during the chilly days of fall. Leecifer’s first production figure is quickly becoming the new hot Super7 figure and colorways are selling out fasther than you can say Johnny Storm’s catch phrase “Flame On!” Leecifer's Charcoal Flame Honoo is cast in pearl grey vinyl with black and orange sprays and retails for $35 each.

The sweetest thing on Sundae Mountain, Milton rules all as the master of the ice cream universe. Super7's Skulletor Milton ($25) is cast in blue vinyl accented by dark blue, yellow and red sprays. The Blot is always excited to see a release featuring S7’s popular Skulletor color scheme, which pays tribute to everyone’s favorite Master of the Universe villain Skeletor. It even makes cute little Milton look scary!

Charcoal Flame Honoo and Skulletor Milton go on sale this Friday, September 30th, at noon Pacific at the Super7 online store.