Saturday, September 21, 2013

Darkwing Duck Series 2 Disney Afternoon Vinylmation Villains 2 Pack

Darkwing Duck Disney Afternoon Vinylmation 2 Pack - Negaduck and Bushroot

Disney’s finally released a follow up set to its popular 2011 Darkwing Duck Disney Afternoon Vinylmation 2 pack and it is awesome! Plus, now your Darkwing Duck and Gosalyn Vinylmation vinyl figures have some baddies to fight. Darkwing Duck Disney Afternoon Vinylmation Series 2 includes two of Darkwing’s most nefarious villains, Negaduck and Bushroot! 

Packaged in a full color window box and limited to just 1,500 sets, these two 3” vinyl figures can now be purchased from for $29.95.