Monday, January 20, 2014

Barneyism of the Week - Big Dilemma

Guys, big dilemma.

My mom's insisting that I get Robin to give James his ring back,
but Robin's refusing.
But James seems like he's really upset.
But Robin's gonna be my wife.
But James is my brother.
But Robin lets me do sex to her.
But I have to spend eternity in my mom's mausoleum.

I just wish there was a way I didn't have to take sides!
What should I do!?!

“Choose your wife.
You always choose your wife. Easy.
Got any other stumpers,
like how to answer ‘Does this make me look fat?’” - Lily

Well, maybe a little around the hips,
but no more than usual.

“You're getting married,
so I will deal with that one after your honeymoon.” - Lily

How I Met Your Mother - Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson
- Barney Stinson

“The Poker Game”

How I Met Your Mother