Saturday, July 26, 2014

SDCC 14 Exclusive Star-Lord Guardians of the Galaxy Screen Print by Francesco Francavilla

San Diego Comic-Con 2014 Exclusive Star-Lord Guardians of the Galaxy Screen Print by Francesco Francavilla

The Blot is beyond jealous of all my fellow Guardians of the Galaxy fans who scored this beautiful Star-Lord screen print by Francesco Francavilla yesterday at Mondo’s San Diego Comic-Con booth! I love that Francesco has been working with Mondo lately because his rich, dark designs really pop as screen prints. Plus who better to design a Marvel comic book themed movie poster than an amazingly talented comic book artist?

The San Diego Comic-Con 2014 Exclusive “Star-Lord” by Francesco Francavilla is a 24”x36” Guardians of the Galaxy screen print. Limited to just 150 pieces, fans could have purchased this at the Mondo SDCC booth #835 yesterday for $75. Fingers crossed a few of these (or at least a variant of it) pops up on the Mondo online store after Comic-Con!