Monday, February 23, 2015

iZombie Television Poster

iZombie One Sheet Television Poster

In just a few short weeks DC Comics’ fifth live action television series of 2015 will premiere (and third on The CW), iZombie! Loosely based on the 2010 Vertigo comic book series by Chris Roberson and Mike Allred, iZombie centers on Olivia “Liv” Moore a medical resident whose live gets flipped upside down when she becomes a zombie. She takes a job at coroner’s office to gain access to brains which she must eat to continue living. A side effect of becoming a zombie is she gains the memories of the people whose brains she consumes, which leads to a career of solving mysteries. If it sounds like a horror version of Veronica Mars, you’d be right! The shows share the same creator, Rob Thomas.

iZombie will air Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW beginning on March 17, 2015.