Friday, September 25, 2015

Celebrate Batman Day With New Mondo Screen Prints by Patrick Leger & Gianmarco Magnani

Batman Begins Screen Print by Patrick Leger & Mondo

This Saturday is Batman Day, and to celebrate DC Comics’ the Caped Crusader Mondo will be releasing two new screen prints from completely opposite ends of the Dark Knight’s longstanding history. Check out this killer movie poster for Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins by artist Patrick Leger, an illustrator working with Mondo for the very first time! I love the juxtaposition of Batman with the film’s title, and the red background really makes Leger’s brooding Batman pop. Batman Begins by Patrick Leger is an 18”x24” hand numbered screen print. It is limited to just 275 pieces and will retail for $45.

Batman '66 Batgirl Screen Print by Gianmarco Magnani & Mondo

For Mondo’s second Batman Day release they’re taking us on a walk down memory lane, all the way to 1966 in fact! The Blot loves the simplicity of Gianmarco Magnani’s Batman ’66 screen print featuring Yvonne Craig as Batgirl and her signature motorcycle. It warms The Blot’s heart to see how beloved that campy TV show is still today! As Mondo explained, “Gianmarco’s Batman and Robin posters from last year were among some of our favorites and we’re honored to add Batgirl and her iconic Batcycle to the series.” Batgirl by Gianmarco Magnani is a 23.622”x14.567” hand numbered screen print. This fiercly purple print is limited to 175 pieces and will retail for $45.

Both Batman Day releases will go on sale at a random time today, Friday, September 25th, at the Mondo online store.