Friday, September 18, 2015

Sketracaha 3” Dunny by Sket One & Kidrobot

Sketracaha 3” Dunny by Sket One & Kidrobot

As you all know The Blot is a huge fan of Sket One’s Sketracha series of custom vinyl figures based on Huy Fong Foods’ iconic Sriracha Chili sauce! So I was beyond excited when I learned Kidrobot would be turning his amazing custom Sketracaha Dunny into a production 3” Dunny. That excitement got ratcheted up to 11 on scale of 1-10 when Kidrobot dropped the first official photo of Sket’s Sketracha Dunny on their Instagram feed yesterday. While the figure looks incredible, what really blew my mind was the reveal that KR has also produced a super rare empty bottle “Time For More” chase variant Sketracha!!! I can’t freaking wait to get my hands on these two figures.

The Sketracaha 3” Dunny by Sket One will be sold blind box style with the chase variant randomly inserted in boxes. While this fantastic production piece is not expected to hit store shelves until late 2015, you can pre-order one now from Entertainment Earth for $14.99 here.