Sunday, March 27, 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice “Lex Luthor is our Savior” T-Shirts

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice “Lex Luthor is our Savior” T-Shirt

It seems like everyone is talking about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice this weekend. Some of it good and some of it bad. If you’re a fan of the film and you liked Jesse Eisenberg’s portrayal of Lex Luthor, then you’ll really like these new Lex Luthor themed Batman v Superman t-shirts! Both are pretty cool designs, even though neither really comes directly from events in the film. They’re more like figments of Lex’s imagination.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice “Lex Luthor is our Savior” T-Shirt

Both Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice “Lex Luthor is our Savior” T-Shirts seen here, and many more, are available for pre-order now at Entertainment Earth in sizes S-5XL for just $19.99 here.