Monday, July 17, 2017

SDCC 2017 Exclusive Star Wars Yoclops Figure by Little Lazies x DKE Toys

San Diego Comic-Con 2017 Exclusive Star Wars Yoclops Figures by Little Lazies x DKE Toys

DKE Toys is going to have an insane line-up of San Diego Comic-Con exclusive Star Wars inspired resin figures again this year at their booth #5045, and The Blot is blown away by the variety of awesome figures. Have you ever wondered what a cyclops Yoda would look like? Well, now we know thanks to Little Lazies! Each Yoclops has been hand sculpted by Leah Lester of Little Lazies, meaning no two are exactly the same. But, they are all so similar that it's kind of hard to imagine that they aren't cast resin figures. Limited to 50 pieces, each Yoclops comes signed and numbered on the bottom and carded in a package Lester designed for $55.