Friday, April 17, 2020

King Janky the 6.5th Platinum Panama Edition Mini Figure by SUPERPLASTIC

King Janky the 6.5th Platinum Panama Edition Mini Figure by SUPERPLASTIC

SUPERPLASTIC has released the newest King Janky mini vinyl figure, King Janky the 6.5th! The “Capo dei Capi” of the Janky royal family is back from hiding out in Panama from the feds, and he’s got a plan to right the wrongs brought against the familia. The Platinum Panama King Janky the 6.5th features a Tommy gun, “good guy” white fedora, and newspaper headlining the hoodlum. It won't be long until one of the three is soaked by the blood of neighborhood narcs. This 3.5” mini figure is limited to just 999 pieces, and can be purchased now at for $25.