Monday, November 30, 2020

King Janky 7.5 GID Mini Figure by Superplastic

King Janky 7.5 Glow in the Dark Mini Figure by Superplastic

Finally, some light for a dark 2020!  Unearth King Janky 7.5 and light up your life (and your toy collection) with 3.5” of glow-in-the-dark soft vinyl! King Janky 7.5 is the ultimate 2020 GLOW UP for the previously released King Janky The Seventh. Get vinyl royalty, encased within a chrome-plated mask and adorned with golden staff of “good vibes”.  Limited to 1,500 pieces, King Janky 7.5 can be purchased today, Monday, November 30th, at for $25.