Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Goonies Screen Print by James Flames

The Goonies Standard Edition Screen Print by James Flames

Today, Mondo will be releasing this beautiful movie poster for The Goonies by James Flames! I could talk about the serene setting of this design, but James does a much better job explaining the meaning behind it: "I love to tell stories with the things I draw, and the adventure of The Goonies is a hell of a big story to tell. My favorite part of any story is the peak of the set up – the part where the mood is established, the characters are coming into themselves, the scenery is starting to play a role, and it’s all at the cusp of breaking loose. And if it all stopped right there, your imagination has everything it needs to start coming up with all sorts of crazy scenarios on its own. This scene felt like such a natural place to stop for a second and remember how freaking awesome it was that these four best friends set out in their overwhelmingly large and intimidating world to follow a treasure map and have the adventure of a lifetime."

The Goonies Variant Screen Print by James Flames

The Goonies by James Flames is a 24”x36” hand numbered screen print. The Standard Edition has a limited edition run size of 250 pieces and will retail for $45, while the Variant has a limited edition run size of 125 pieces and will retail for $65. Collectors can pick one up at a random time today, Thursday, July 3rd, at the Mondo online store.
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