Friday, January 9, 2009

Neil Patrick Harris To Host Saturday Night Live This Weekend

The January 10th, 2009 episode of Saturday Night Live is shaping up to be the most legen…wait for it…dairy episode in the history of SNL. Why you might ask? Is it because it’s the first episode of 2009? Nope. Is it because this week’s musical guest is Taylor Swift? Not a chance. It’s going to be awesome because it’s being hosted by How I Met Your Mother’s Neil Patrick Harris!

Saturday Nighty Live Jan 10, 2009 Episode Hosted by Neil Patrick Harris with Musical Guest Taylor Swift
Saturday Night Live has been on a tear this season and I’m pretty confident it’s going to be just as good this Saturday night with Harris hosting. I’m hoping, no wait, expecting a really funny Doogie Howser, M.D. parody, as well as a new musical Digital Short starring NPH. If you can’t wait til Saturday for SNL with NPH then check out this Saturday Night Live promo video feature Neil Patrick Harris and Will Forte:

Saturday Nighty Live airs Saturdays on NBC at 11:30/10:30c.
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