Monday, January 2, 2012

The Huck Gee Project: Warhog & Hog Master Custom Munny

The Huck Gee Project Warhog & Hog Master Custom Munny Vinyl Figures

The second set of figures from The Huck Gee Project were unveiled today, and they are entitled Warhog and Hog Master! The Warhog is a completely new and original sculpt by Huck Gee, but one he has been working on for a while. According to the private collector who owns these pieces, it actually predates Huck’s turret elephant sculpts from his 11/10 show. The Hog Master is just that…the master of the Warhog! I am really interested in finding out if there is a larger back story to these characters from the Huck Gee Project, or if they somehow fit into one of his other universes. I will definitely be asking him about this at his upcoming book signing tour stop here in Houston next week.

The Huck Gee Project: A private collector recently commissioned Huck Gee to create an entire series of one of a kind custom figures, which combined would make up a larger project entitled, appropriately enough, the Huck Gee Project. While the project has since been put on hold, the collector has decided to share photos of the completed pieces with the world, since these are such incredible custom Munnys. This is definitely some of Huck’s best work, and I am so glad these photos are seeing the light of day!
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