Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kidrobot X: 10th Anniversary Mini ‘Bot

Kidrobot X: 10th Anniversary Mini ‘Bot

Of all the Kidrobot X releases in honor of Kidrobot’s 10th Anniversary, this is the figure that’s got my scratching my head. The Blot just doesn’t see how it fits in. I would rather have seen a 7” full sized ‘Bot featuring Tristan Eaton’s design than this 10th Anniversary Mini ‘Bot that’s dressed to accept an award rather than celebrate the company’s birthday. And the Mister Universe sash is for what again!?! Although, I am happy to see how popular KR’s Mini ‘Bots have become and how dedicated Kidrobot is to continuing the line. It feels like these Mini ‘Bots are poised to replace their 7” counterparts completely.

The Kidrobot X Mini ‘Bot is the VIP of the Kidrobot anniversary event "Kidrobot X: 10 Years of Art + Design", all suped up in black tie garb (complete with his name printed on his back), black and white kicks, and a “Mister Universe” sash to let the world know: he did it! This 3” figure is scheduled to retail for $14.95 each, and goes on sale October 12th at all Kidrobot stores, Kidrobot.com, and select retailers worldwide.
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